Liste des figurines Mattel pour la gamme Masters of the Universe Origins. Vous trouverez pour chaque référence quand c’est possible le nom original de la figurine, le nom français, un lien d’achat et un lien vers le test du produit.
Masters of the Universe Origins
MOTU Origins Wave 1 – Dispo
- He-Man [Musclor]
- Skeletor
- Teela [Tila] -> Consulter la review
- Beast Man [Le Monstre]
- Evil-Lyn [Demonia]
- Man-at-Arms [Le Maître d’armes]
MOTU Origins Wave 2 – Dispo
- Scare-Glow [Spectror] -> Consulter la review
- Trap Jaw [Dentos]
- Orko -> consulter la review
- Man-e-Faces [Maskor]
MOTU Origins Wave 3 – Dispo
MOTU Origins Wave 4 – Dispo
MOTU Origins Wave 5 – Dispo
- Lords of Power Mer-Man [Océanor]
- Fisto -> consulter la review
- Evil-Lyn (MOTU 200X) [Demonia] -> consulter la review
- Faker (Fakor)
MOTU Origins Wave 6 – Dispo
- Eternian Goddess
- Lords of Power Beast Man [Le Monstre]
- Webstor [Tarentulos]
- Stinkor [Puantor] – > consulter la review
MOTU Origins Wave 7 – Dispo
MOTU Origins Wave 8 – Dispo
- Horde Trooper
- Anti-Eternia He-Man [Musclor]
- Clawful [Etor]
- Sun Man
MOTU Origins Wave 9
- Mini comic Trap Jaw [Dentos]
- Mantenna
- 200X Skeletor
- 200X He-Man [Musclor]
MOTU Origins Wave 10
- King Randor
- Whiplash
- Digitino
- Trap Jaw
MOTU Origins Wave 11
Masters of the Universe Origins Deluxe
- Battle Armor Skeletor [Skeletor l’Invincible]
- Battle Armor He-Man [Musclor l’Invincible]
- Ram Man [Bélios]
- Clamp Champ [Pinçor]
- Buzz-Saw Hordak [Hordak le diabolique]
- Mosquitor [Mousticor] -> consulter la review
- Terror Claws Skeletor
- Flying Fists He-Man
- Teela & Zoar
- King Hiss
Masters of the Universe Origins Créatures & Véhicules
- Sky Sled & Prince Adam -> consulter la review
- Panthor
- Battle Cat [Tigre de combat] -> Consulter la review
- Land Shark -> consulter la review
- Wind Raider [Aéronef]
- Stridor
- Ground Ripper & Mekaneck
Masters of the Universe Origins Playsets
- Castle Grayskull [Château des ombres ]-> Consulter la review
- Eternia (Mattel Creations)
Masters of the Universe Origins Exclusives
- Eternian Palace Guard -> consulter la review
- Keldor & Kronis -> consulter la review
- Battlefield Warriors : Battle Armor He-Man & Battle Damaged Battle Cat [Target Exclusive]
- Panthor (flocked) [exclu Walmart]
- Prince Adam & He-Man SDCC 2020 Exclusive
- Lords of Power Power Con 2020 Exclusive
- She-Ra Princess of Power Power Con 2020 Exclusive
- Evil Horde Power Con 2021 Exclusive
- Faker & Dupli-cat Power Con 2021 Exclusive
- Secrets of Grayskull Power Con 2021 Exclusive
- Mini Comic Tri-Klops [Triclops]Mattel Creations 2021 Exclusive
- Grizzlor (Mattel Creations)
- Space Sumo (Mattel Creations)
- Sun-Man, Space Sumo, Pig-Head 3-pack (Target exclusive)
- Sun-Man (Mattel Creations)