Chicken Fried Toys et Fresh Monkey Fiction ont annoncé à la JoeFest le retour d’une légende du jouet des années 1980 : C.O.P.S n Crooks.
La gamme de jouets de Hasbro était adossée à l’époque à une série animée COPS. Cette licence avait connu une relance récemment par Fresh Monkey Fiction, mais sous la forme de mini-figurines non articulées de type Cosmix.
Cette fois-ci on part sur des figurines articulées, mais à l’échelle 1/18. En lien avec les figurines western Dime Novel Legends, la première figurine proposée par le consortium sera, Sundown (Dégainé en VF), un Texas Marshal aux allures bien western.
La carte reprend les codes de la licence.
Une autre carte a été teasée pour un personnage plus mystérieux appelé “The Button Man”. Il s’agit probablement de Buttons McBoomBoom, alias Pat la Mitraille en VF.
D’autres figurines sont annoncées. Six personnages en tout pour la première wave : deux héros, deux méchants et deux pilotes.
Voici le communiqué de Chicken Fried Toys et de Fresh Monkey Fiction.
Chicken Fried Toys and Fresh Monkey Fiction have teamed to bring us the return of C.O.P.S. and Crooks. You can check out all the details below.
June 9th 2023, Dallas Texas & Augusta Georgia
Chicken Fried Toys (CFT) and Fresh Monkey Fiction (FMF) are pleased to announce a new venture for our companies! CFT will be producing 1:18thscale (modern 4 inch) action figures under license from FMF for their property C.O.P.S -n- Crooks in 2023-2024, and BEYOND!
These modern and fully articulated action figures will have all the posability, and attention to detail that you have come to expect from our Dime Novel Legends and Weird Western Tales offerings. Each figure will be fully decked out in their molded plastic base colors with detailed & fully painted accessories and gear, flesh tone skin, and some will even sport bonus articulation.
The first offering from CFT for this license will be Marshal Sundown, the Texas Lawman, available on later this year. Some of you may have noticed the full color digital photo renders of the sculpt already, but if you haven’t check it out on our social media pages! We are also premiering a new character card art style and layout which is unique to this project and has a retro look with some modern updates.
We are already hard at work on our first assortment of six different character sculpts, and will offer these in pairs of two single-carded figures at a time, with work being done at our second factory partners. These fine manufacturers have already delivered our Weird Western Tales (WWT) preview figure (Crash Site Intruder) and are hard at work on the first 2 pack featuring Cowboy Kringle & the Krampus for Christmas 2023 season. They are also moving into production on a fluffle of rabbits and even a JACKALOPE that will be available very late this year.
Our first full assortment of six characters offers some familiar faces, with two heroes, two villains, and even two drivers! The adventure and excitement are yours to grab. Come join us in celebrating Chicken Fried Toys new license project, and another chance to work with our friends at Fresh Monkey Fiction again! Let’s FIGHT SOME CRIME in a FUTURE TIME!
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Aaaah j’adorais cette série !
Punaise mais ce qui m’avait plus à l’époque justement c’était des personnages de grande taille, pas minables comme les Gi Joes !
Du 1/12 bordel de cul !
Bon ben là c’est rapé pour l’échelle ^^