Jerry Wilson was kind enough to answer a few questions for us. He regularly shares samples of his work on his Instagram account.
Could you please explain your work on Hasbro’s packaging ?
I do the photo retouching and FX work for the backs of Marvel Legends toy packaging. The team at Hasbro poses the figure and takes the photo, its typically just the figure over a black background. I then create the branding for the line, adding in light effects and an environment digitally to make the figure shot as dynamic as possible.
You’re mostly famous for your work on Marvel Legends packaging, but you also worked on some of The Vintage Collection figures. It sounds different because the backcards line usually feature movie stills, not actual toys. Can you explain how you worked there ?
Hasbro get the highest quality assets possible form Lucas Film to try and faithfully recreate the original figures packaging or in some cases I am creating original work in that same style to fit with the Vintage series branding. That’s said sometimes the assets need a lot of work, for example, retouching the image so it prints clear or even extending out background to fill the packaging space.
Which is your favorite part about this job ?
I loving working with so many Marvel characters. I have loved Marvel since I was a kid and am a collector as well. Having the opportunity to work on the figures of these iconic characters is a dream come true
We understand that you do not actually shoot the pictures. Is it something you’d like to do ?
I have gotten into taking my own figure shots as a hobby now. Its really been fun. I get to apply my skill set I use on the professional work on my own images and its been really rewarding.
Are you a toy collector ?
All my life. I was a completionist as a kid getting every He-man and Ninja Turtle I could. I slowed down for a few years as an adult but then I started buying every Marvel Legends figure I worked on and that got out of hand fast. I sold most off to make room and now just focus on the ones that I really want. I also collect a ton of Marvel Statues from Sideshow Collectables.
What kind of toys do you collect ?
Marvel Legends, Neca, Sideshow Statues, anything that looks cool.
With so many toy lines, is there a property or a specific line you’d like to work on ?
I would love to work on a Spawn product. I have been fortunate enough to have worked on Marvel, Star Wars, Power Rangers, G.I. Joe, Transformers, Nerf, Super Soaker and on and on. I have been a Spawn fan since issue #1 so that would be a highlight for me.
Which vintage toy line had, according to you, the best packaging ?
It might be nostalgia but I still light up when I see original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles packaging. If we are talking current stuff, I think what Hasbro has done with the new Spider-Man retro wave is amazing.
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Très belle interview, bravo 👏👏👏
Merci Ryuzo. Je trouve très intéressant cet aperçu des coulisses .
Idem, j’ai adoré. Merci pour ce partage.
Super le format interview j’ai beaucoup aimé.
Je n’ai noté qu’une erreur “J’ai vraiment amusant”. C’était très intéressant, et le fait de voir qu’il collectionne aussi, et pas seulement du Hasbro dans ses déclarations. Ce qui m’a le plus étonné. C’est pourquoi je me demande s’il travaille pour Hasbro (en freelance ou en sous traitant), ou chez Hasbro ?
Oh, Jerry est freelance, en fait le taf qu’il fait pour Hasbro n’est pas son job principal.
On le comprend à demi-mot quand il dit que c’est Hasbro qui lui envoie les photos des jouets et qu’il les retravaille.
Pour ce qui est de sa collection, je ne suis pas plus étonné que ça, la plupart des personnes qui travaillent vraiment dans le milieu s’intéressent aux produits d’autres fabricants.